Chihuly at Museum of Fine Art, Boston

Sometimes out-of-town visitors help us to see things we haven’t gotten around to visit.  Museum of Fine Art is a great museum.  I can’t believe we waited this long.

Upon approaching it, we were greeted with this amazing view.  If we can judge a museum by its exterior, I’d say there must be lots of good art inside.

and there is!

MFA boston

Nonetheless, the main attraction for us this time was Chihuly’s sculpture.  It’s a short-term exhibit that will end on August 7, 2011.  If you get a chance to see if before it leaves, do it!

Dale Chihuly is a well-known artist of blown-glass.  His large-scale installation and the vibrant colors take your breath away.

Ah, here you see the visitors that motivated us to go this time.

Ikebana Boat on a black glass floor that provides perfect reflection.  It made me think of a children’s fairy tale with such colorful passengers.

ikebana boat, blown-glass, sculpture

Only if I have a great hall to put this chandelier…

Now, enter the room of The Fiori Series.  This is one enchanting space.  Plan to spend quite a few minutes in here.  I was imagining walking on the floor of the ocean and greeted by mystical plants and creatures that have been hidden away from most human views.

Look at how each “stick” has its own way of bending and shades of color.  Dale Chihuly actually sketches out what he was to design and have other people blow the glass according to design.  He had suffered injuries that disabled his arm and eye.  But he continued to produce amazing art!

Here is what I secretly call “Queen of the Ocean”.  It’s not an official name, just mine. 🙂

Another large piece hanging from the ceiling.

chihuly, blown-glass master, MFA, exhibit

Now this is a ceiling.

MFA, Dale Chihuly, Glass

Alright, and one last amazing work that’s exhibited in the tall open space between museum wings.

MFA, Chihuly

One thought on “Chihuly at Museum of Fine Art, Boston

  1. Pingback: enjoying Boston Museum of Fine Arts’ First Friday with the girls « road trips, food, observation

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